winter semi-shade annuals

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Bellis Perennis
English Daisy
The showy pink, white and rose- red flowers bloom continuously for weeks and weeks especially if deadheaded regularly.
Height: 15cm – Spacing: 15cm
Ideal for: Edging, bedding and containers
Colours: Mixed, White, Strawberries & Cream
128 plants per tray – covers 4.5m²
Jewel Colours
A warm sheltered garden is the perfect setting for Cinerarias. Grow them in dappled shade, or a bit of morning sun, but protection from frost and cold winds is essential.
Height: Dwarf Mixed 30cm – Tall Mixed 50cm
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Mixed
24 plants per tray – covers 1m²
Queen of the Border
From a basal rosette of leaves rise tall spikes of majestic looking flowers in exquisite shades of blue, lavender, lilac, pink and white, all with contrasting white or dark centers. A bed of Delphiniums creates a spectacular display.
Ideal for: Borders, cottage gardens and cut flowers
Magic Fountains Mixed (height – 60cm, spacing – 25cm)
Magic Fountains Mix Blue shades (height – 60cm, spacing – 25cm)
Pacific Giants Mixed (height – 1,5m)
24 plants per tray – covers 1m²
Delphinium F1 Summer Series
Summer Series
Wonderful bedding Delphiniums similar to the older Blue Butterfly variety but vastly improved to include a range of colours including soft pink!
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 20cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Ideal for: Rock gardens, containers or in garden beds
Colours: Summer Colours (Mixed)
Dazzling and Durable
No garden is complete without them! The delicately fringed flowers on compact plants, promise a bright splash of colour in great profusion. They like a well-drained non-acid soil.
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 15cm
Ideal for: Edging, borders and containers.
Colours: Pink Shades Mixed, Mixed, Blueberry Delight, Carmine Rose, Strawberry Parfait
Dianthus – New Generation F1 – Amazon
Fabulous for cut flowers
Taller growing Dianthus, they are exceptional bedding plants, and create a wonderful display in annual borders, as well as providing a long lasting cut flower.
Height: 45cm – Spacing: 20cm
Ideal for: Borders, cottage gardens and cut flowers
Colours: Amazon Neon Cherry, Jolt Pink, Sweet Pink, Dash Mixed
A cottage garden favourite
A traditional favourite with elegant spires of delicate looking bell-shaped flowers with spotted throats. Superb plants for the back of the border that gets dappled shade.
Height: Foxy Mixed Annual – 90cm, Giant Mixed Biennial 1.8m
Ideal for: Borders, cottage gardens and rockeries
128 plants per tray – covers 8m²
Foxglove Camelot Series F1
A superb garden display
The Camelot series of F1 hybrid Foxglove is a sensational improvement on older varieties, producing an abundance of large flowers on strong stems, creating a striking garden display.
Height: 40-50cm – Spread: 30-35cm
Ideal for: Borders, cottage gardens and rockeries
Colours: White, Cream, Lavender, Rose, Mixed
24 plants per tray – covers 2m²
Foxglove Dalmation Peach F1
Beautiful colour
Exquisite peach coloured trumpets with prominent spots in the throat of the flowers make this first year flowering Foxglove a particularly eye-catching addition to our range of Foxgloves.
Height: 40-50cm – Spread: 30-35cm
Ideal for: Borders, cottage gardens and rockeries
24 plants per tray – covers 2m²
Heavenly Lobelia
An essential plant for hanging baskets, containers and the edging of borders. They have a mounded habit and provide masses of colour when in flower. Keep the plants moist for best results.
Height: 15cm – Spacing: 10cm
Colours: Mixed, Sky Blue, Midnight Blue
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
Monkey Flower
Easy to grow, Mimulus plants are quickly covered in masses of exotic looking flowers in bright and vibrant colours, some spotted, some clear. Mixed colours.
Height: 20cm – Spacing: 15cm – Mixed colours
Ideal for: Borders and containers
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
Pansy Designer Mixes
Worlds no.1 Winner
A lovely range of colours, some plain, some painted with beautiful faces. It is important that Pansies should not be planted in the same spot two seasons running.
Height: 15cm
Ideal for: Bedding, borders, containers and hanging baskets.
Colours: Pastel Mixed, Rosy Antiques Mixed, Pink Shades Mixed, Blue Shades Mixed, Daffodil Mixed, Lavender Shades Mixed, Clean Mixed, Copper Shades
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
Pansy Separate Colours Clean
Colours galore!
The most rewarding plant for winter and spring.Use them in beds, borders, and containers, for edging and underplanting
Ideal for: Bedding, borders, containers and hanging baskets
Colours: Yellow, Rose, True Blue, White, Purple, Orange, Morpho, Beacon Bicolour Blue, Sky Blue, Primrpse, Northern Lights
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
Pansy Separate Colours Faces
Faces to make you smile!
Their tough constitution and their ability to survive the coldest winter weather make Pansies a sure winner in every garden.
Height: 15cm
Ideal for: Bedding, borders, containers and hanging baskets
Colours: Deep Blue, Yellow, Marina, White, Purple, Mulberry
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
Pansy Total Mixed
Unbeatable value on our Pansy Mixed – more plants per tray PLUS more discounts PLUS our usual bag of free seedling food!
Height: 15cm
Ideal for: Bedding, borders, containers and hanging baskets
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
Primula Acaulis
Ground hugging plants barely 15cm high – will grow happily in light shade or partial sun.
Height: 15cm – Spacing: 10cm
Ideal for: Edging, bedding, containers and cottage gardens
Colours: Mixed, White, Bi-colour Mixed, Golden Yellow, Dark Blue, Pink
24 or 128 plants per tray – 128 plants covers 3m²
Primula Acaulis – Double Flowered
Primlet (Acaulis – Double flowered)
Primlet Primulas bear clusters of frilly, fully double flowers resembling a mini-rose bouquet! Easy to grow and long flowering. Perfect for containers and prominent spots in the garden.
Height: 15cm – Spacing: 10cm – Mixed Colours
Ideal for: Edging, bedding, containers and cottage gardens
24 or 128 plants per tray – 128 plants covers 3m²
Primula Elatior
Stalked Primrose
A totally new and improved variety of the Polyanthus-type Primrose with larger and brighter flowers held above the foliage on 15cm stalks.
Height: 20cm – Spacing: 15cm
Ideal for: Edging, bedding, containers and cottage gardens
Colours: Blue, Pink, Mixed, White
24 or 128 plants per tray – 128 plants covers 3m²
Primula Malacoides
SPECIAL PRICE! – Fairy Primula
Height: 20-25cm – Spacing: 15cm
Ideal for: Edging, bedding, containers and cottage gardens.
Colours: Pastel Mixed, Lavender, Pink, White
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
Primula Obconica
German Primrose – Simply sensational!
Obconica primroses have a completely different colour range to other types of Primroses which not only makes them very novel but they are also a real asset in the shady winter garden.
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 20cm
Ideal for: Edging, bedding, containers and cottage gardens
Colours: Deep Blue, Deep Orange, Mixed, White, Rose
24 or 128 plants per tray – 128 plants cover 5m²
Easy to grow, beautiful Violas will quickly mature and flower. Excellent border and rockery plants that will bloom for many months. Prefer to be shielded from the hot afternoon sun.
Height: 15cm – Spacing: 15cm
Colours: True Blue, Marina Baby Face, Denim Cuty, Blue Shades Mixed, Deep Orange, Pink Wing, Yellow, Pink Shades Mixed, Yellow Cuty, White, Morpho, Cuty, Mixed
128 plants per tray – covers 3m²
LIGHT SHADE: It occurs under large open-branched trees and consists of areas that receive soft, dappled shade for most of the day. There is no direct sunshine, but plenty of light. This is the easiest of the shady areas to garden.
SEMI-SHADE or PARTIAL SHADE: These are defined as those areas of the garden which receive some sun and some shade during the day. This is easy if the plants get morning sun and afternoon shade. Less easy is a spot in the garden that receives a patch of sun at midday only, for example a courtyard.
The most difficult aspect in the garden is one that gets morning shade and afternoon sun – treat this as FULL SUN for all intents and purposes as shade lovers will roast in the afternoon sun, especially if close to a wall. can grow in bog gardens – Height: 80cm