summer – semi-shade perennials

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Ajuga Reptans
Bugle Plant – excellent groundcover for shady spots
An extremely tough and easy to grow groundcover for shady spots in the garden. Burgundy Glow has tricoloured foliage of creamy-white, rose-burgundy and dark green which helps to brighten shady corners. Blue flowers produced in early summer are a bonus.
Height: 5cm – Spreading habit.
Colours: Burgundy Glow, Rainbow
Alchemilla Mollis
Lady’s Mantle
Enchanting soft, velvety grey-green leaves with masses of tiny yellow flowers. Good edging plant, Alchemilla leaves have the delightful habit of holding water on the surface, making the droplets look like little silver balls.
Height: 25cm – Spread: 30cm
Aquilegia McKana’s Giants
Enchanting and easy to grow
McKana’s Giants is an older, open pollinated strain of Aquilegias. Although still a delightful mix, the plants will vary greatly in height, flower size and colours. They will perform best when they have come through a period of cold.
Height: 35-45cm – Spread: 35cm
Colours: Mixed
Aquilegia F1
Columbine – a collection of Songbird and Swan
Careful hybridising has produced Aquilegias that bear very large flowers over a much longer period, on plants that are robust and vigorous.
Our F1 Aquilegias on offer this season have come through a period of cold and should flower successfully this spring and summer. However, they will be at their best in their second year.
Height: 35-45cm – Spread: 35cm
Colours: Dark Blue and White, Lavender and White, Light Blue and White, Burgundy and White, Pure White, Purple and White
Sutera – perfect for spreading growth
Bacopa is a trailing and spreading plant covered with masses of small flowers in lovely clear colours. Suitable for baskets, containers, rockeries or the odd awkward corner.
Height: 15-20cm – Spread: extensive
Colours: White, Pink, Violet, Blue
Swan River Daisy – requires minimal care – BEST SELLER!
A superb choice for filling in around tall, leggy plants and carpeting bare spots.They are especially effective as mass plantings, draping over retaining walls, in pots,hanging baskets and as borders.
Height: 10cm – Spread: 30-40cm
Colours: Fresco Candy, Fresco Purple
Fuchsia Bella
A compact range of Fuchsias
Upright bushy plants ideal for garden beds and containers as well as perfect trailing plants.
Height: 25-30cm – Spread: 20-25cm
Colours: Sascha (Purple and Red), Sophia (Light pink and White), Sarah (Red and Purple), Mariska (Pale Pink and Purple)
Fuchsia Named Variety
Well known named varieties
Upright bushy plants ideal for garden beds and containers as well as perfect trailing plants.
Height: 25-30cm – Spread: 20-25cm
Colours: Bella Rosella (Pale & Dark Pink), Dollar Princess (Red & White), Paula Jane (Deep Rose & Pink), Nici’s Findling (Pink & Coral Rose), General Monk (Red & Blue), Lambada (Pink & Purple), Beacon Pink (Two-toned Pink), Coralle (Dark Bronze leaves, long Orange flowers)
Lamium Maculatum
Beautiful silver coloured leaves – New!
The delicate looking plants are actually very tough and tolerant of dry shady areas once established, which makes them invaluable in the garden. The flowers are borne on and off throughout summer.
Height: 25cm – Spread: 20-25cm
Colours: White Nancy (White flowers), Pink Pewter (Pale Pink flowers), Beacon Silver (Pink Flowers)
Lobelia Starship F1
Beautiful accent plant for the higher moisture areas – NEW!
These perennial Lobelias are superb clump-forming perennials, producing tall spikes of exotic and brightly coloured flowers from mid-summer to early autumn. They enjoy good moisture and are excellent around ponds.
Height: 50-70cm – Spread: 25-30cm
Colours: Rose, Scarlet
Mona Lavender
Certainly one of the most beautiful and rewarding hybrid Plectranthus, Mona Lavender produces spikes of intense lavender coloured blooms from summer to autumn on strong, upright, bushy plants. The leaves are dark green with purple undersides.
Height: 50cm – Spread: 50cm
Plectranthus Madagascariens
Variegated foliage
This trailing lavender variety with its variegated foliage is excellent as a groundcover in heavy shade. Looks great in window boxes, tubs and hanging baskets. The leaves have a lovely minty smell.
Height: 30cm – Spread: 50cm
Zantedeschia Aethiopica
Arum Lily – perfect for bog gardens
A much loved indigenous perennial with white flowers in summer. Evergreen in warm areas, but semi-deciduous in cold gardens. Requires lots of water and can grow in bog gardens.
Height: 80cm – Spread: multiplies to become a large clump.
LIGHT SHADE: It occurs under large open-branched trees and consists of areas that receive soft, dappled shade for most of the day. There is no direct sunshine, but plenty of light. This is the easiest of the shady areas to garden.
SEMI-SHADE or PARTIAL SHADE: These are defined as those areas of the garden which receive some sun and some shade during the day. This is easy if the plants get morning sun and afternoon shade. Less easy is a spot in the garden that receives a patch of sun at midday only, for example a courtyard.
The most difficult aspect in the garden is one that gets morning shade and afternoon sun – treat this as FULL SUN for all intents and purposes as shade lovers will roast in the afternoon sun, especially if close to a wall.