summer – sun perennials

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Achillea has finely dissected, feathery foliage and a profusion of flat-topped flower heads in a variety of colours all season long. Water-wise plants that prefer drier soil in full sun. Excellent as a contrast plant in borders and as a cut flower.
Height: 60cm – Spread: 35-40cm
Colours: Mixed
Archangel – Loves hot dry conditions! – BEST SELLER!
Compact and strong growing, with masses of orchid like flowers. This is a winner in the summer garden as it is perpetually in flower! Does very well in containers.
Height: 30cm – Spread: 20-25cm
Colours: Purple, Blue Bicolor, Raspberry, White, Mixed, Coral, Cherry
Daisy Bush
Vastly improved varieties of the traditional ‘daisy bush’ with a more compact habit and improved flower colours. Easy to grow.
Height: 35-45cm – Spread: 30-40cm
Colours: Single White, Crested Yellow, Lemon (Single), Red (Single), Crested Merlot, Deep Pink, Giant Pink, Candy Pink
Bacopa is a trailing and spreading plant covered with masses of small flowers in lovely clear colours. Ideal for baskets, containers, rockeries and awkward corners. Indigenous.
Height: 15-20cm – Spread: extensive
Colours: White, Pink, Violet, Blue
Swan River Daisy – Requires minimal care
Brachyscome is a good choice for filling in around tall, leggy plants and carpeting bare spots.They are especially effective as mass plantings, draping over retaining walls, in pots,hanging baskets and as borders.
Height: 10cm – Spread: 30-40cm
Colours: Fesno Candy, Fresno Purple, Magenta
This perennial plant needs no introduction – it is easy to grow and most rewarding, producing its glorious double, golden-yellow flowers all summer long on compact plants. Easy to grow, prefers hot dry conditions.
Height: 60cm – Spread: 30-35cm
False Heather
A neat, compact plant with attractive shiny leaves and a profusion of flowers borne over a long period. It is versatile, being suitable for mass plantings, as a hedge or in containers.
Height: 25cm – Spread: 20cm
Colours: White (lime coloured foliage), Lavender (green foliage)
Cone Flower
The flowers are large and showy, on strong growing, uniform plants. The bold daisy-like flowers create a beautiful contrast in the mixed border and combine well with Achillea and other perennials that require lower moisture levels.
Height: 40-60cm
Colours: Tall Pink (height 60cm), White (height 40cm), Rose (height 40cm) – Cheyenne Spirit Mixed
Erigeron Karvinskianus
Useful “tough as nails” ground cover. Will grow anywhere and everywhere…Needs to be controlled.
Height: 20-30cm – Spread: extensive
Felicia Amelloides
Kingfisher Daisy
This brilliant blue flowered indigenous plant is ideal for rockeries, edging or the odd difficult corner. Tough and long lived, cut back once a year to shape. Indigenous.
Height: 35cm – Spread: 30-40cm
Colours: Blue (green foliage)
Gaura Belleza
Butterfly Bush
These exquisite clump-forming plants produce masses of butterfly shaped flowers almost all year long. The long arching stems lend grace and charm, and the compact growth habit makes them especially suited to small gardens. Cut back annually to retain shape.
Height: 45-50cm – Spread: 40-50cm
Colours: Deep Pink, White, Pink
Gaura Lindheimeri
Butterfly Bush
This is a much taller and broader growing plant well suited to corporate landscapes and larger gardens. The white, flushed pink flowers resemble a multitude of butterflies when the plant is in full flower. These plants are cheerful, carefree and long flowering in warm, dry conditions.
Height: 60-70cm – Spread: 40-50cm
Dazzling indigenous colour – water wise!
Indigenous plants producing bright multi -coloured flowers, daisy like in appearance. They need well-drained sandy soil.
Height: 25cm – Spread: 20cm
Colours: Red, Yellow, Orange, Mixed Pink Shades, Strawberry Shortcake Mix, White, Mixed
Geranium F1 Multibloom Series
Pelargoniums that last and last!
Known as ‘Zonal Geraniums’ due to the markings on the upper leaf surface, these upright Pelargoniums have been a firm favourite with gardeners for generations. An essential part of summer planting, they are useful in beds and containers.
Height: 30-35cm – Spread: 35-40cm
Colours: Mixed, White, Red
Lavandula Dentata
Royal Crown
French Lavender is a spreading, bushy shrub with dark grey-green leaves with characteristic toothed edges, and large, plump lavender coloured flowers. Flowers all summer long. Must have excellent drainage and full sun.
Height: 60cm – Spread: 50cm
Margaret Roberts – BEST SELLER!
One of the most popular Lavenders as it is fast growing. Evergreen and bushy with narrow grey leaves, it produces its tightly packed, dark blue flowers throughout the summer. Trim back flower stems to promote additional flowering.
Height: 1,2m – Spread: 1,2m
Lavandula Angustifolia
Blue Spear
A much improved Angustifolia type Lavender, with better growth habit and flowering compared to L. Ellagance which it replaces.
Intense grey foliage with bright blue flower spikes.
Height: 30cm – Spread: 30cm
Lavandula Stoechas
Spanish Lavender
Spanish Lavender grows to a height of 35cm and produces purple flowers with two long flower bracts that resemble butterflies. Wonderfully aromatic.
Height: 35cm – Spread: 45cm
Indigenous delight
An easy to-grow indigenous plant that has a compact growth habit, and produces masses of daisy-like flowers.
Height: 45cm – Spread: 35-40cm
Colours: Red, White Purple Eye, Voltage Yellow, Rose Magic, Pink Magic, Sunset Magic, Dark Purple, Bronze, Coral Magic, Grand Canyon Mixed
Ivy Leaf Geranium
Compact plants that produce much larger flowers almost continuously throughout the warmer months. Perfect for baskets and containers of all kinds
Height: 20-25cm – Spread: 35-40cm
Colours: Lavender, Hot Pink Lilac, Burgundy, White, Pink, Lilac, Mixed, Red Ice, Dark Red
Arabesque series – strong, upright and compact
Improved hybrid Penstemons that bear spikes of large, vibrant, tubular flowers in colours ranging from light pink to purple to red to magenta to violet, most with a contrasting white centre.
Height: 50-60cm – Spread: 35cm
Colours: Pink, Orchid, Appleblossom, Violet
Pentas F1
Lucky Star
Pentas enjoy the summer heat and dry conditions and will produce dense flower heads of star shaped flowers on multi-branched plants. And excellent border or container plant, we offer a delightful mixture of pink, red rose, violet and white flowers.
Height: 30cm
Pentas F1
Northern Lights – a new variety of Pentas
A new variety of Pentas with masses of pale lavender, star-shaped flowers in large umbels produced continuously on the plants throughout the season. These are excellent as a background plant, in borders and in large containers. Grows best in areas with morning sun and some late afternoon shade, otherwise they are generally unfussy.
Height: 50-60cm – Spread: 30cm
Perovskia Blue Steel
Russian Sage
Perovskia is an extremely valuable perennial because of its long flowering season in the summer garden. Plants have fragrant grey foliage and quickly form bushy, upright clumps, bearing in summer, spikes of rich, violet-blue flowers. They also grow well in containers or tubs.
Height: 90-150cm – Spread: 50-70cm
Colours: Lavender
Salvia Leucantha
Mexican Bush Sage
A much loved and highly sought after old fashioned Salvia. Thrives in full sun and flowers from late spring until the first frosts. Drought tolerant and does best in average to good soil. Beautiful as a specimen plant or massed in a large border.
Height: 1,2m – Spread: 1,2m
Salvia Farinacea
Mealy Sage
Although classed as a perennial, this Salvia is usually treated as an annual. Our Victoria Blue strain has the deepest of blue flowers and dense basal branching.
Height: 40cm
Colours: Victoria Blue
Salvia Greggii
Autumn Sage – New Compact Series
This has become a firm perennial favourite and justifiably so as it freely produces its brightly coloured flowers from early summer right through to the autumn. Snip back occasionally to keep in shape and it will quickly resume flowering. A winner!
Height: 50-60cm – Spread: 40-50cm
Colours: Mirage Neon Rose, Mirage Pink, Mirage Deep Purple, Mirage Burgundy, Mirage Cream
Salvia Mystic Spires
Deepest blue flowers of all time!
Very useful as a back of border or focal plant or massed in large groups. The well-branched plants have dark green foliage and tall spikes of dark blue flowers.
Height: 50-60cm – Spread: 40-50cm
Colours: Dark Blue
Butterflies love them!
Easy-to-grow Scabiosa must be one of the prettiest garden flowers. Growing in small clumps, the flowerheads stand above the foliage, gently moving with the slightest breeze.
Height: Tall – 40cm, Dwarf – 25cm
Tall: Fama Dark Blue, Fama White
Dwarf: Butterfly Blue
A superb container plant
Scaevola produces a mass of lavender blue, fan-shaped flowers all summer long on mounded and spreading plants, making it an excellent container plant. It likes a position in full sun and can tolerate drought.
Height: 20-25cm – Spread: 30cm
Colours: Blue, White
Shasta Daisy
Snow Lady – Brings essential white to the garden
White’ is vitally important in a garden. Apart from being a focal point, white acts as a ‘break’ between other colours. And what better way to do this than by using clumps of ever-so-easy Shastas. Just watch those buds enjoy the spring sunshine.
Height: 60cm – Spread:30-40cm
Stachys Lanata
Lamb’s Ears
A quick spreading groundcover best known for its delightful grey foliage, which is so, so soft. To keep plants compact and tidy, cut out flower spikes as they form.
Height: 25cm – Spread: 30-40cm
Statice Perezii
Sea Lavender
Statice perezii will flower for 12 months of the year – a blue blessing for any garden. But be warned – once planted they don’t like being moved!!
Colour: Blue
Height: 40cm – Spread: 35cm
Verbascum F1
Southern Charm – bold and dramatic!
These old-fashioned and charming plants are invaluable for lending height in borders. Southern Charm is a seed strain with a unique pastel colour range including creamy yellow, rose and lavender. Perfect cottage garden plant, will flower continually throughout the season.
Height: 70cm – Spread: 40cm
Colours: Mixed
Spilling and tumbling sensations
The fabulous perennial verbena produces long lasting blooms on drought tolerant plants that make a lovely addition to any garden. With their outstanding spreading habit, Verbena will look sensational spilling from baskets and containers or tumbling through borders and rockeries.
Height: 15-20cm – Spread: 40-50cm
Colours: Deep Pink, Pink, Lavender, Red White
SUNNY SPOTS AND SUN LOVERS: Plants, which have a full sun requirement, means exactly that! If these plants get too much shade and not enough sun, they will perform poorly. They usually grow leggy, have weak stems, flop over and will flower poorly. Sun lovers need at least 6-8 hours of direct sun each day.