summer – sun annuals

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Floss Flower
The same beautiful fluffy blue flowers as the Dwarf Blue which is no longer available but on taller 50cm stems.
Height: 50cm – Tall Blue
Ideal for: Middle and back of beds.
24 plants per tray – covers 1-2m²
Improved variety! One of our loveliest annuals, flowering all season long.
Height: 15cm Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Edging, Hanging Baskets and Rockeries
Colours: White – scented, Mixed, Lavender Shades
Antirrhinum – Dwarf
Their low and compact habit make these a great choice especially for a smaller garden.
Height: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Edging, cut flowers, cottage gardens and borders
Colours: Mixed
Antirrhinum – Knee High
The flower spikes have a strong upright habit. Impressive in group plantings. Colourful, Azalea-like flowers, which are prized for their display of stunning, double flowers.
Height: 40cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Edging, cut flowers, cottage gardens and borders
Colours: Mixed. White, Pink
Antirrhinum – Twinny Double
Snapdragons – Gold Medal Winners – BEST SELLER!
Twinny has large, fully double flowers in a beautiful, mainly pastel, range of colours and is the world’s first compact growing bedding Snapdragon to feature double flowers.
Height: 15-20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, cut flowers, cottage gardens and borders
Colours: Rose, Mixed, White, Apple Blossom
Plumed Cockscomb
The brightly coloured feathery flowers make a stunning display in full sun. They prefer a rich, well drained soil but do not overwater. Pinch back the first growing tip to promote bushiness and more flowering stems.
Height: 25cm – Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Bedding and mass displays
Colours: Mixed, Cherry
‘Mums’ the word – White Paludosum
Cheerful little plants, most valuable for low edging, containers and awkward sunny corners.
Height: 25cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Edging, bedding, borders and containers
Cineraria Maritima
Dusty Miller – Fantastic foliage
Attractive silver grey foliage plant. Fern like leaves, which provide interesting texture and color in sunny borders or containers. Remove flower spikes as they develop to encourage bushiness.
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 20cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Ideal for: Bedding and borders
Cleome Sparkler
Spider Flower – BEST SELLER – Back at last!!
Cleome Sparkler is the first F1 hybrid series and is more compact growing than older varieties. Cleomes look great planted among perennials and in large blocks. They will flower from early to late summer, and love the sun and heat!
Height: 60cm – Spacing: 30cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Ideal for: Bedding and borders
Colours: Mixed (White, Rose, Lavender and Pink)
Coleus for Sun
Beautiful colours and patterns
Stunning colours and patterns – High impact plants suitable for large containers and landscaping. Low maintenance. Best in semi-shaded areas that get morning sun and afternoon shade.
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 20cm
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Redhead, Henna, Wasabi, Coleosaurus
Wonderful, easy to grow plants, that flower all summer. Ideal for poor sandy soils.
Height: 50cm – Spacing: 20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders, containers and cottage gardens
Colours: Mixed, White
Bright and cheerful double-flowers
Dahlias will reward you with a bright and cheerful display of double flowers in many colours.
Height: Dwarf Green Leaf 35cm – Bronze Leaf 40cm – Spacing: 20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Dwarf Green Leaf Mixed, Bronze Leaf Mixed
Queen of the Border
Spectacular in the garden, in exquisite shades of blue, lavender, lilac, pink and white, all with contrasting white or dark centres. Ensure beds are well composted and fertilised and keep well watered. Immediately after flowering, remove the flower spike – this will encourage additional spikes to form.
Height: 60cm – Spacing: 25cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Ideal for: Borders, cottage gardens and cut flowers
Magic Fountains Mixed (height 60cm), Pacific Giants Mixed (height 1.5m)
Delphinium Summer Series
Summer Series
Wonderful bedding Delphiniums similar to the older Blue Butterfly variety but vastly improved to include a range of colours including soft pink!
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 20cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Ideal for: Rock gardens, containers or in garden beds
Colours: Summer Colours (Mixed)
Dazzling and Durable
No garden is complete without them! The delicately fringed flowers on compact plants, promise a bright splash of colour in great profusion.
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Edging, borders and containers
Colours: White, Blueberry Delight, Carmine Rose, Mixed, Pink Shades Mixed, Strawberry Parfait
New Generation F1 Dianthus
Superb for cut flowers
They are exceptional bedding plants, and create a wonderful display in annual borders, as well as providing a long lasting cut flower. They need a well drained soil in full sun.
Height: 45cm – Spacing: 20cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Satin Flower
Godetias always attract attention in the garden because of the delicate beauty and satiny texture of the exotic looking flowers. It is a tough plant that grows quickly. They prefer ordinary sandy soil and are very cold tolerant.
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Borders, bedding, cottage gardens and containers
Colours: Mixed
Heavenly Lobelia
An essential plant for hanging baskets, containers and the edging of borders. They have a mounded habit and provide masses of colour when in flower.
Height: 15cm – Spacing: 10cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Edging, containers and hanging baskets
Colours: Mixed, Midnight Blue, Sky Blue
Spectacular, large flowered, and uniform in growth, guaranteed to create the brightest blaze of colour imaginable! Deadhead to extend their performance.
Height: 30-35cm – Spacing: 20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Bedding and borders
Colours: Yellow, Mixed, Orange
French Marigolds are smaller flowered but highly floriferous for a long period. Deadhead to extend their performance.
Height: 25-30cm – Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Edging, bedding and rockeries
New Guinea Sun Patiens
Sun Patiens
Provided they are kept well watered, these Impatiens will grow and thrive in full hot sun! They also grow well in lightly shaded areas or with half day sun. They need to be kept well watered as they will not easily recover if left to flag in the hot sun.
Height: 35-40cm – Spacing: 25-30cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Ideal for: Mass plantings, containers and the pool-side
Colours: Blush Pink, Coral Pink, Purple, Electric Orange, Red, Magenta, Hot Lilac, Orchid Blush, White, Deep Rose, Mixed
Water wise value
Cup shaped purple flowers on compact plants with fine foliage. This is a water wise perennial.
Height: 20cm – Spacing: 15cm (24 plants – covers 1m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, containers, rockeries and edging
Colours: Purple
Petunias F1
Oupa se Hoed
A dazzling display in a wide range of colours. Petunias do not like wet feet!
Height: 35cm – Spacing: 20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Baskets, bedding, borders and containers
Single Colours: Deep Blue, Pink, Yellow, Red, Violet, White, Rose
Mixed Colours: Mixed, Pastels Mixed, Pink Shades Mixed
Phlox F1
Easy to grow splendour
Phlox are easy to grow, quick to flower and need little attention. The 21st Century series is a vastly improved variety that is vigorous, long flowering and will produce flowers for many months.
Height: 25cm – Spacing: 20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, edging, cottage gardens and containers
Colours: Mixed
Portulaca F1
Moss Rose
Portulacas make a stunning display with their fully double flowers that resemble roses. Excellent in hot, dry areas as their succulent stems are drought tolerant.
Height: 15cm – Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders, containers and hanging baskets
Colours: Fuchsia, Peppermint, White, Mixed, Tropical Mixed
Salvia Coccinea
Spreads beautifully
Much loved by butterflies and honeybees, these Salvias are easy to grow and flower quickly and continuously all summer long. They prefer good soil in full sun to semi-shade.
Height: 30cm – Spacing: 25cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Red, White, Coral
Salvia F1
Salvias thrive in rich well drained soil in full sun to light shade and will flower for many months if well fed and dead-headed regularly. They love the summer heat.
Height: Dwarf Red 25cm, Mixed 35cm – Spacing: 25cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Dwarf Red, Mixed
Vinca F1
Vinca is a prolific flowering, heat and drought tolerant annual, perfect for hot, dry areas, and is often referred to as “Impatiens for the Sun”. They will flower for weeks on end! Do NOT overwater.
Height: 35cm – Spacing: 20cm (128 plants – covers 5m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Bright Eye, Pink Blush, Cranberry, Hot Pink, Mixed, Icy Pink
Verbena F1
Popular plant for beds, borders, containers and hanging baskets and will thrive in hot, sunny positions. Water wise.
Height: 20cm – Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Mixed, Apricot, Mixed Pastels
Zinnia Magellan Mixed
Magellan Mixed – Double Flowers
This is the more traditional-looking, fully double flowered Zinnia.
Height: 35cm – Spacing: 20cm
Ideal for: Bedding and borders
Available in 24 packs – covers 1m²
Zinnia Profusion
Profusion Series
Zinnias thrive in ordinary light soil with some compost added but are generally not fussy. Their garden performance is truly outstanding as they will flower uninterrupted for many months.
Height: 30 – 35cm – Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Bedding and borders
Colours: White, Coral Pink, Mixed, Apricot, Cherry
Zinnia Zahara
Uninterrupted garden performance
The Profusion and Zahara series are both excellent varieties with single flowers in vibrant, bright colours and are virtually disease and pest free.
Height: 30-35cm – Spacing: 15cm (128 plants – covers 3m²)
Ideal for: Bedding, borders and containers
Colours: Yellow, Mixed, Raspberry Lemonade (Coral Rose, Yellow & Starlight Rose), Mixed Double Flowered
SUNNY SPOTS AND SUN LOVERS: Plants, which have a full sun requirement, means exactly that! If these plants get too much shade and not enough sun, they will perform poorly. They usually grow leggy, have weak stems, flop over and will flower poorly. Sun lovers need at least 6-8 hours of direct sun each day.